Surround Yourself With Water, Wildlife And A Beautiful Sunset
ACTIVITY: Port Royal Cypress Wetland & River SunsetAVAILABLE DAYS: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
LENGTH: Approximately 5 hrs
ACCESSIBILITY: Easy Access For All
BEAUFORT IS CALLED THE LOWCOUNTRY FOR A REASON, and exploring the marsh, wetlands and rivers will help you to understand why. Because our sun rises over the ocean, you can usually find us capturing sunset over the marsh and rivers as we look to the setting sun. Home to many species of birds and other animals, we'll no doubt meet some friends along the way.
When the light begins to fade, we'll watch the colors in the sky stretch out onto the still waters, we'll listen to the crabs settling in for the night with their clicking noises, and the Lowcountry will begin to grow still. The sun will set above the still water and if we're lucky, this special place will be filled with a palette color.
What To Bring
• Camera - DSLR, Mirrorless, Point & Shoot, Smartphone
• Wide and zoom lenses, or camera with zoom ability, is beneficial for this particular tour
• Tripods are available upon request, but please feel free to bring your own
• Polarizing and Neutral Density Filters are beneficial, but not required
• Comfortable footwear
• Water and snacks will be available for all guests
• Additional memory cards and batteries
• A spirit of adventure!
• Wide and zoom lenses, or camera with zoom ability, is beneficial for this particular tour
• Tripods are available upon request, but please feel free to bring your own
• Polarizing and Neutral Density Filters are beneficial, but not required
• Comfortable footwear
• Water and snacks will be available for all guests
• Additional memory cards and batteries
• A spirit of adventure!
What We'll Cover
• Finding the best light for the best results
• Setting up for unique compositions
• Lenses and which will be most beneficial for each scene
• Isolating light to draw the viewers eye into an image
• Creating compositions that gives the viewer depth
• Setting up for unique compositions
• Lenses and which will be most beneficial for each scene
• Isolating light to draw the viewers eye into an image
• Creating compositions that gives the viewer depth
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